Photo by:Ernesto Mancebo

Choreography by: Ronald K. Brown
Music by: Wunmi
Costumes: Omotayo Wunmi Olaiya
Lighting by: Brenda Gray
Upside Down is an excerpt from the evening-length work Destiny. The full evening work was created in collaboration with Rokiya Kone of the Ivory Coast and her company Jeune Ballet d’ Afrique Noire, and premiered at Aaron Davis Hall in June 1998. The development and creation of Destiny received support from Africa Exchange, the Rockefeller Multi-Arts Projects and Production Fund, the Aaron Davis Hall Fund for New Work, and Evidence/Circle of Friends.
Support for the re-creation of Upside Down costumes made possible by Peg Alston and Willis Burton, Judy Byrd-Blaylock, Dwayne Ashley, Darrell and Carmen Gay, Bruce Gordon and Tawana Tibbs, Joanne E. Hill, Bernard H. Jackson and Joyce Mullins-Jackson, Terry McMillan, and W. Omar Karriem.